The 2024/25 school year is up and running for our 156th year.

Our theme this year is ENDURE, based on Hebrew 13:1-2. “…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…”
We easily endured our first days of school because of the love of our Savior that is emulated through the many wonderful church and school people in this community.

The students (and parents) are again welcomed daily with smiles and hugs from Sharon Dyer, our 80+ servant of the Lord.

We started the year with a wonderful chapel service on Wednesday (8/14/2024) led by Pastor Reed and accompanied with harmonious music from Melissa Blanton. The children sang praises to the Lord with a dozen adult visitors from the church and school. The teachers decided to sponsor Neil Wieland with our first-quarter chapel offerings. Neil was present to share with us information about his future ministry in Slovakia.

Recess was exciting with the relatively new climbing apparatus, more wood chips, and the additional outside basketball goal on the west side of the parking lot, courtesy of our Team Falcon parent-teacher organization and many volunteers.

The faculty and staff have done an incredible job of trying to adapt to my expectations and our multiple church and school boards are helping me understand how things have (and have not) worked in the past. I believe we are patiently figuring it all out together.

I have been working feverishly with the Technology and Day School Committees, with overwhelming support from parents and Team Falcon, to get safety and security heightened on our entire campus. We are working to identify the most effective way to ensure optimal protection for our students and staff. I ask you to pray that we make the best decision with great support in a timely manner.

I want to personally thank you all for your encouragement, love and support for this new school year adventure.

A servant of Christ,
Principal Birnbaum