Lunch Program
Our hot lunch program is a cooperative endeavor with USD 409. Trinity and USD 409 will work together to prepare meals based on the contract with USD 409.
Lunch menus are sent home each month. If you wish to eat with your child, you must contact the school office before 8:30 a.m. in order to ensure that a meal can be provided. NO FAST FOOD WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA.
The hot lunch treasurer handles all the financial matters relating to the lunch program. All lunch payments should be sent to the school office or given to your child’s teacher. We ask that a separate check be made to pay for hot lunch expenses.
Student Lunch: $2.75
Extra milk: $0.50
TLS Food Service Policy:
Students will be allowed to charge up to five (5) meals (including Reduced Status), with the exception of the last two weeks of school where no charges are permitted. After five charges, students will be served an alternative lunch, until all outstanding balances are paid. The cost for the alternative meal is the same as a regular lunch or breakfast. Students may not charge extra milk.
Families will receive a letter when their lunch balance is $10.00 or less.
Families who have activity on their account with a negative balance will receive a letter and a phone call.
If you have a question, please call the school office.
Click here to view our school’s wellness policy on the Kansas State Department of Education website. The sponsor code is: X0707 Trinity Lutheran.