Trinity Lutheran School’s mission is to prepare students and assist their families spiritually, physically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally to recognize and use their God given talents now and in the future to learn, live, and serve in a Christ-like manner.
History of Lutheran Schools
The Lutheran School system is an integral part of the American educational process. The first Lutheran school of record dates back to 1640, when a group of Swedish settlers established a school in Delaware. The oldest continuous Lutheran school is St. Matthew’s in New York City. It has continued since 1752, with the exception of a few years during the Revolutionary War. The elementary school of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod dates back to the decade between 1830-1840, when a number of Lutheran congregations were organized in the Midwestern states and established Christian schools for their children. The first of these schools is older than public schools in most states. Lutheran schools are not in competition with public schools. Rather, we seek to work closely with the public schools in fulfilling the responsibilities of our community.
A Brief History of Trinity Lutheran School
Trinity Lutheran School has a history of over 145 years of education in Atchison! It was founded in 1869 with 12 students. The pastor of the church organized the school and became its first teacher. Classes were held in the basement of the parsonage. Once the new church was built, the school moved into the church basement. In 1885, the school’s first permanent home (our yellow building) was erected. In 1942, the school had grown to over 120 students. Trinity started an expansion and remodeling project on the yellow building. The new addition was dedicated in June 1943. A kindergarten class was added in 1955. Reverend Robert Ziegler became Pastor in 1969 and the TLS Endowment Fund was established at this time. The preschool program began in 1974. Groundbreaking for the education center was held in 1987 and the building was completed in 1988.
In 2000, a committee was formed to discuss the future plans of TLS.
Finally, in 2001, a full-time principal position was created due to the growth of the school.